Project mission: Integrating wellbeing into the education system by training 24 local wellbeing fellows to help 2000 teachers develop psychological skills.

Well-being- A positive construct that incorporates two related ideas – subjective satisfaction with life and positive affect or mood, and meaningful functioning and human development (The Lancet Commissions)

Teachers/ educators are one of our important partners in reimagining education, and we truly believe that teachers can really change the classroom. Hausla is one of the mental wellbeing promotion programs that we are bringing to start the early habits of taking care of oneself and others, build the skills of resilience and compassion, and give a glimpse of what taking care of oneself and others might look like. As described earlier, Hausla is one of the promotional programs for well-being let’s understand what we mean by that: Promotion and Prevention

Promotion Actions to create living conditions and environments that support mental health and allow people to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles (WHO)

Prevention Encompasses the reduction of incidence, prevalence, and recurrence of illness (WHO)