
The Centre for Self-Discovery (CSD) is essentially a Think Tank space, which is completely off-grid with an in-house garden farming set-up where, a plethora of multi-faceted initiatives will be developed & operationalized, aimed at Sustainable Well-being through Mindful Consumption. There are three major components of CSD at the moment:


  1. Research and Development of experiential tools (games, workshops, courses etc.) on Mindful Consumption showcasing its crucial role in the journey of Sustainable Well-being at personal level and Social Impact at Community Level.
  2. Dissemination of the developed tools in schools, colleges and private & public sector offices in an engaging and sustainable manner.
  3. Campaigns, Yatras and Conferences aimed to shape a consortium of institutions (Academic, social, political, media houses etc.) that are willing to collaborate on the larger vision of Inner Transformation as a precursor to Sustainable Social Development.

The model Centre for Self-Discovery which we aim to develop at Bara village of Chakai block of Jamui District in Bihar will have following infrastructural aspects:

  1. CSD will have 4 main elements focused on Sustainability:
  2. Waste Water Re-use and Rain Water Harvesting
  3. Kitchen/Terrace Gardening
  4. Maximizing the use of renewable energy (off-grid campus)
  5. Completely Zero-waste Centre with Installations of upcycled products
  6. Similarly, CSD will have 3 main elements focused on stakeholder’s experience:
  7. Meditation/Prayer Space
  8. Amenities such as library, Computer Centre and sports facilities
  9. End-to-end boarding facilities for all stakeholders