Our work is on regenerative agroforestry. The live seed farm we propose to build will be based on regenerative principles as well. Our work is based on the knowledge we have acquired from local farmers and by observing different farms. The design of the farm is inspired by the local flora and what is native to the place. The farm produces no waste. In fact, it generates enough biomass to feed itself. The supplements provided to the farm are produced by the farm itself. The live seed farm amidst agroforestry farms will work towards regenerating degraded land, building the soil, and recharging groundwater while ensuring income for farmers. Over the period it would be so self-sufficient that it would require minimal human intervention. The holistic approach of agroforestry has huge potential to address climate change by reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) through absorption and fixation and protecting the environment through ecosystem services.

  1. Grow a live seed farm: A full-fledged live seed farm will be grown in the village, where seeds will be produced and stocked in the community-managed seed bank. The purpose of building live seed farms is to encourage farmers and households to integrate and grow a native variety of trees and crops. Due to the high level of poverty in rural villages, households nowadays only afford to eat potatoes and rice, resulting in a low intake of nutritious food. Diverse crops on the farm will ensure diverse food on plates.

  2. Establishing Community Managed Seed System: The cultivation of a mandala/nutrition garden will be encouraged and supported by our team. The cultivators themselves will manage a community seed bank which will be based on the concept of barter system ‘exchange’. Also, if one takes the 10 seeds of any crop, the person has to return 20 seeds of the same. This method keeps in check the accountability and responsibility of the farmers.

  3. Maintaining the live seed farm: The farm will be maintained and conserved properly by the farmer responsible for it. The live seed farm built based on the regenerative agriculture principle works towards restoring degraded farmlands. The application of bio inputs, mulching, ground cover, and many other such practices ensures that the soil receives the nutrient and maintains the moisture for the land to sustain and regenerate.